For iTunes "jailbreak" is equal to a curse word

Jailbreak is a word meaning little for the general public, but often equal to freedom for hackers and nerds. To Apple? It’s as bad as a dirty word. That’s the only conclusion one can come to after seeing Apple censor the word on iTunes.

Apple censors curse words on its music and application store front, so that when they show up in your search results you don’t see the whole word, but only the first and last letter, with everything else replaced by asterisks.

Interestingly, though, with “jailbreak” not all results are censored but only a select few. TV shows and books seem to still appear uncencsored, unlike songs. Adding even more to the confusion, is the fact that the censorship doesn’t appear to all users, but only to some. So why don’t open iTunes and see whether Apple is censoring your results or not. Let us know in the comments below.