It is generally accepted that Apple will be making an affordable option for the iPhone available in developing markets this year. Apple took a chance by not playing ball with players like China Mobile, and iOS market share is stagnant in the two markets in Asia with the most growth potential, China and India.So we have been hearing and reading rumors of a cheap iPhone coming off the assembly line to make iOS and all the i-things we do with them more accessible.If these images are authentic, and since they are from two different sources we think they may be, we can see what are obvious design choices for the handset, most notably, plastic. The back plate harkens back to the days of theiPhone 3G. The edges look like a rubberized plastic. On the bottom is the Lighting cable plugged in and doing its thing along with a 3.5mm headset jack and a speaker.It is difficult to be certain, but by the dimensions of the Lightning plug and the rest of the visible form factor, we figure the device will have a 4-inch display like its uptown cousin. The rest of the specifications of course are not known, but this may well be the beginning of a semi-steady flow of information based on the amount of leakage we saw with the iPhone 5