If you are an HBO or Cinemax subscriber and happened to rush out to be one of the first in line to purchase a Galaxy Nexus, you may have been disappointed lo these last 6 months, as the HBO GO and MAX GO apps did not play nicely with Android 4.0.

If that describes you, fear not dear friend, as your months of suffering are over; both apps have been updated, and you can now stream Game of Throwns or your favorite Cinemax film (we won’t ask which one it is...) over a mimumun of a 3G connection. We’d recommend 4G if you have the choice. Or WiFi.

We’re disappointed that support came so slowly, but with the latest numbers showing more than 11 million Android 4.0 devices now in the wild, the powers that be must have decided the time was right, especially as all the hot new Android phones will be shipping with ICS. And many older phones will get the update sooner or later.

If HBO or Cinemax are your cup of tea, head to the source links to update/check them out. Note that this update only supports Android 4.0 handsets - tablet users are still being left in the dark.


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